Our Mission

At Mourning Mail, we know that the loss of a mother isn’t just a moment in time — it’s a journey that stretches across a lifetime.

Our mission is simple: to uplift women navigating life without their mothers. We aim to offer connection and care through handwritten cards, supporting them along their grief process.

Our Story

Hi, I’m Jaemi.

I joined the Motherless Daughters Club in 2015, just three days shy of my 31st birthday. Four and half years later to the day, I had a daughter of my own, and officially joined the Motherless Mothers Club, too.

My mom’s superpower was her thoughtfulness. She remembered big milestones and the small moments in between. She always had a drawer full of greeting cards ready to be sent off with an encouraging note.

She had perfect handwriting and taught me how to write in cursive at the kitchen table after dinner. Most importantly, she taught me the art of a thoughtful handwritten note, and the relationships they foster.

A lot has changed since 2015, but the one thing that hasn’t is my desire to use my grief for good. I started Mourning Mail with my daughter to support and celebrate motherless daughters and motherless mothers as they bravely navigate their grief journeys.

We wish you didn’t have to be here, but we’re grateful you found us.

Yours in remembrance,


P.S. I am also the creator of The Dead Ringer, a collective grief project on a mission to inspire The Living to stay connected with The Dead—one phone call at a time. When you’re ready, pick up the phone, and pick up where you left off.